Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Uniting Nations

No, no talk of war or politics - not now anyway. The World Cup is coming! So, this past Sunday the US Men's Soccer team defeated the Latvian team 1-0 in pre World Cup tune-ups. Oh, don't I sound knowledgable on things soccer. Truth is, I am. Well, a bit more than the average American as I am married to a futbol fanatic and am a great bandwagon jumper. The World Cup will be hosted by Germany and my husband has been excitedly counting off the months until it commences (mid-June). Actually, the years - since the last World Cup four years ago. I know it is at this point that I will feel the shift in weight in our bed and find him excitedly (but quietly) cheering somewhere in the house at 4:00 a.m. for some team that has not yet faced elimination (US is a longshot I am sure you all know that much).

Mr. Scissorhands has long thrown his arms up in utter exasperation about we Americans lack of excitement over the true football. He comes to the US from Romania by way of Italy and subsequently Chile. He breathes soccer. He exclaims, "work stops, people close shops while The Games are being played!".

So, on Sunday he and my darling daughter, M1 went off to see the game live. My darling son, M2 and I stayed home and did our own thing. The most beautiful part about this is not how the world unites during the games, no that would be much too magnanimous of me. It is how the Daddy/daughter relationship flourishes at this time. Normally, M1 considers Daddy too stern, too curt, not indulgent enough, blah blah blah. Daddy considers M1 spoiled, non-disciplined, insolente! blah blah blah. And somewhere in the middle is me - playing both ends. Often, not so well I might add for I see both their sides. But at this time, during the World Cup for instance, M1 becomes the apple of his eye that she truly is and he becomes her Daddy that he'll always be.

And I sit on the sidelines and smile. And cheer.


Anonymous said...

"...He comes to the US from Romania by way of Italy and subsequently Chile."

you and the divine Miz B have much in common... not that her path is the same as your honey's (or her husband's, for that matter)... but still, it's a long long way to Tipparary, and your spouse and the Bohemians have all traveled it! (of course, if you've never been a fan of Daffy Duck, the "long long way to Tipparary" won't make much sense... but then, neither does the rest of this comment!)

as for "futbol"?? i'm VERY impressed Mr. Scissorhands & M1 can agree while in soccer mode... i always thought this game brought out the worst in people! tho', i suppose that only applies to folks rootrootrooting for opposite teams, huh? it also sounds like it turned out to be a pretty nice time for you and M2 to bond... which must have been nice!

fun post! : D

G said...

Brian - Al you need to comprende is "GOOOOALLLLLLLASO! Adrian looked over your assessment and said true true about Convey. Also, don't forgot about McBride. He hopes for 2 out of 3 of the group. Overall Brazil~

See, I'm a quick study. Actually, more Americans are getting into soccer just not on the same level as the rest of the world.

I remember I think you posting (maybe at Pia's) that Queens was a favorite of yours. I do love it here as my adopted home. I've been here for about 11 years and it holds the best of both worlds for me. I'll be catching up on your place in the am.

Puptoes - you know reading a bit about her, I certainly understand her international sensibility, although I have never lived abroad. But I love the whole different international perspective being married to "a man of international intrigue". Comforting too that I can relie on him for getting his point across most anywhere should we ever get to start our travels. It was a great bonding day for me and my boy - I love him (as I tell him) more than there are stars in the sky or grains of sand on all the beaches :>

Kyahgirl said...

that's an interesting lineage you got going there!
please don't kick me off your blog...but I don't know why people get so excited about soccer/football.

I think its cool to see the father/daughter bonding going though. yay! :-)

G said...

Kyah! I would never kick you off -you're one of my first ever blog friends! Believe me the father/daughter bonding (in light of their daily battles) is just heaven to me. The whole soccer thing grew on me through Adrian. You know - if you can't beat 'em, join em. I've actually grown to enjoy it.

Kyahgirl said...

I hear you g. Things do grow on a person.

speaking of blog friends, I'm glad you've got one going. I like coming here.

The Village Idiot said...

that sounds like a lot of work G!

Oh, and great song list!!!

And In my humble Opinion, the USA lacks the fervor it needs for cycling events

Allez Allez!

G said...

Thanks K-girl and I, yours.

VI - do you mean keeping peace among the family?

Thanks, yours wasn't too shabby.

On the cycling - je suis d'accord!

Doug The Una said...

That is a great story. Can I get away with appreciating that you guys appreciate soccer?

That's right, I said soccer. The world is full of communists.

G said...

Brian - Come on over to my place, there'll always be a light on. Of course it might be the glow of the television at 4:00 a.m., but Mr. S. would only be too happy to move over and cheer with ya. It's infectious. Now I know why you watch it.
Doug - Appreciation always good you skallywag (sp?)!
See VI - another cycling enthusiast.
Come to think of it - this is sort of how I hooked my husband in - posing as a pseudo sports fan, now I have you guys over all comfy... Hey, I better hold onto that for future posts.

G said...

Actually, that would be posing as a sports fan for those paying attention to the lesson!

FirstNations said...

hey, y'all
my husband and daughter connected best by way of cars and shoe shopping. imelda and imelda jr, i swear.
been playing around with the conversion issue for years now. same background, same issues. interesting!
FN lurking.....

Doug The Una said...

g, I think it's usually spelled "scallywag" but mostly by the illiterate.

G said...

The more I blog (experienced all of 1 week blogger says-well I checked in for a little over a month then started my own last week) the more I find commonality on so many different levels. I think the main thing is that people just like to be heard and to find out about others. Anyway, FN loved your place - will be back for sure. Thanks for dropping by.

Doug - knew I could count on you for the spelling.

Anonymous said...

My daughter had the same conflicts with my husband. Unfortunately they have not bonded over much, the way your daughter and husband have with soc--futbol, since he is tone deaf and she is a musician. But he does admire her discipline (which she got from him).

G said...

Mrs Weirsdo - Funny how that works out. My husband can be a little "old fashioned" and say things (that our parents said) like, "You're going to appreciate this one day, you need the discipline". While I raise my eyes to the sky. Deep down, I know - he is right.