...I worried about my mother driving.
...I wonder how Scissors and I can be good parents and a good couple with the bad examples that led us up to this point...
which is Alcoholism in both fathers...
...yada yada yada.
Then I came home...
and he had made dinner - any of you out there make homemade french fries? The kids love them.
And Julian was in the bathtub yelling "I'm drowning"...
...and Tali was doing her Math homework.
Afterwards we were all together in the kitchen, except for Scissors who was watching some Copa or another (sorry Scissors, I never do get them straight). We were into our usual evening routine which includes lots of silliness, such as the following interchange:
Tali: (speaking of a teacher in school) "Yes Ms. Direezi"
Me: "Must be nice having a teacher named Mister Easy"
Tali: "Not
Mister Easy - Ms. Direezi!"
Julian: "Mister Easy, Mister Easy!"
Me: "Won't be hard with Mister Easy!"
I worry a lot. Maybe everyone does or maybe I am just the worrying kind. Maybe that's why I use so much humor in life. It sure passes the time in a pleasant way. Read the newspaper - isn't there enough unpleasantness in the world?
Growing up was a bit of a hard scrabble life for me in many ways, but the most useful tool that I brought from that is the ability to laugh at almost anything. You know, of course, within reason. But humor isn't about reason, it's about pushing the limits.
When I visited my Mom for her birthday this past weekend at some point, it was just she and I sitting at her dining room table next to each other. And I said, "this may be a convenient time for you to think about your will. You know like who is here with you
on your birthday, sitting here with you
on your birthday - not the day before, not the day after..." We had a good chuckle. I think I'm out of the will.
Next vignette finds Scissors and I sitting at the same table next to each other. Ring ring. My Mother answers the phone:
Mom: Hello?
Caller: weewah blee blee blah
Mom: Oh thanks. Yes Patrick and Dawn came yesterday. We went out to brunch. Yes Billy and Ruthie are coming tomorrow.
Me to Scissors sort of mouthing into the air(as I've just sat through a similar exchange): And G?
Mom: Yes, it was lovely
Me: And G and A and the kids?
Mom: Yes, Peter and Tommy called and will be visiting...
Me: What am I chopped liver?
Mom: Oh yes and G is here with the kids!
Me: Mazal tov.
Scissors "See, she mentioned you - happy?"
If you only had, say one other sibling, you might find this concerning. The truth is I find this infinitely funny.
Shabbat Shalom and have a good weekend. If you are so inclined, stop over to
CENTRAL SNARKwhere Monday-Friday, it's just plain fun provided by Neva a/k/a
Puppytoes and Saturday I'm featuring a new or old musical artist that has caught my ear.
Take care now.