Saturday, May 10, 2008


Don't you just love music?

This week's spin is perhaps somebody that you've already heard and appreciated. If that's the case, turn up the volume and listen again. I'm always mystified when I read a blogger profile and under musical likes, listed is "anything but rap and country!"

How do you just discount a whole genre out of hand? But those two always seem to go hand in hand in these music appreciators' dislike list. If you've written that in your profile, I'd like you to think about it a bit more. And I'd like you to listen to Robert Earl Keen.

Robert Earl Keen is a singer/songwriter from Houston, Texas now by way of Kerrville. Any song I've heard of his is such a finely woven story, it stuns me. And his voice is the perfect voice to convey the words. I read in an interview on the Lone Star Music site that Robert Earl Keen would like just a little bit more of a listen from the "industry" and critics. Well, I'm no critic, Mr. Keen, but I'll play your songs here and hope that maybe one person turns around and downloads a tune and passes it on. But he does deserve a bit more attention for sure.

Most of his videos are live or amateurs covering him. This one is the best of the live ones with frat boy activity held to a minimum. It's a great tune called "Feelin' Good Again":

You can hear the gussied up live version on his MY SPACE.

Of course the interview that was alluded to above was from 2005 so perhaps, Mr. Keen is feeling the love a bit more now. You can read the interview HERE. I rarely give advice on music, I just play it and hope that you enjoy. But if you're going to download a tune or two, you might want to include one of his signature songs "The Road Goes on Forever."

Okay, I'd better rap this up, but I'd first like to wish all it applies to a Happy Mother's Day. Remember if you're not a mother yourself, you're the reason that somebody is so you have cause to celebrate in your own heart. I think part of this song that just reaches in and lifts me up has to do with going through the grieving process since my Mom's death this past November. I'm not through it yet, but sometimes it's nice to sing along to "feels so good to be feelin good again."

~ Have a wonderful weekend.


Doug The Una said...

Happy Mother's Day, G. I'm having connection issues (which are appropriate this weekend) but I'll listen soon.

tsduff said...

G - Hope your two little munchkins bring a smile to your face. Wishing you a happy Mother's Day manana and a hug to go with it as you experience the painful missing place in your world where Mom used to be. xoxo

Off to listen to the music of Robert Earl Keen now - thanks for the new tunes ;)

Doug The Una said...

Hey, that was pretty good. Dounds more folky than country to me, but I'm not from New Jersey.

G said...

Doug, thank you kindly. And now regarding more folk than country, you may just have to take that up with Mr. Earl who lists country first on his MySpace. But what do I know? I'm from New Joisey. I say he's a fine combo. ;0

Terry, ah they do - many times a day. Thanks and wishing you the very same. Hope you enjoy.

Have a good weekend you two!

Ariel the Thief said...

I so much agree with you, G! To me it happened more times that I didn't like a genre but when I heard it from a certain musician, I loved the way he/she did it. Genre is nothing, only music matters.

Sweet and Salty said...

Happy Mom's Day, G! You are a rocking mom!!!

G said...

Ariel, you put that so perfectly. Agreed. Pssst: save that chair from the street for me :)

Pavel! Good to see you around and thank you kindly.