Hope you are all getting into the summer swing. If it would stop raining in NYC, we might. Actually, there have been a few nice days, but far too many rainy ones.
My life update in a nutshell: Louie still doing wonderfully, he is considered in full remission and he's back to his old/young playful self. More on the topic of vaccines and greedy vets another day. He still is recuperating from odd little side effects that have sprung from the original problem, but comparatively speaking, he is doing wonderfully, especially in light of the fact that we were in danger of losing him...I shudder to think.
Kids are done with school and in day camp for July. Tali increasingly surly and impatient with my questions over her daily activities. Similar to jail, I am allowed one question to her daily activities. The natural order of things I suppose. So I fixed her...I peppered Julian with questions instead and before you knew it, the three of us were cracking up as I lobbed question after question, not coming up for air. I am so happy to have the breather from school. Tali did have a nice honor this past year in Math. Each state has their own Math League and Tali finished first student in NY State/6th graders for their annual competition. Yet she doesn't like Math - it figures (har har).
Scissors is still kvetching and clipping. And that's us in a custom made nutshell.
Summer is here, the living is easy. I hope you all have a great one.
Above print from Etsy Seller, DudaDaze (kind of fitting for summer).