Today is Tali's birthday. She turns 10. We also determined (in that same birthday aging conversation that we were having with Julian) that next year we'd have to go to the toes to count her age.
I was attempting a video upload but something isn't cooperating and I've got to cut my losses as I have to decorate, wrap, and go to bed. Instead I've put in the still photo of the video. Maybe later?
Each year I think that my heart would burst if it swelled with any more pride for my children. But each year it doesn't and each year my pride just continues to grow with good reason. Tali, have the happiest birthday and the most wonderful year. May you be happy a good percentage of the time, have grand school lunches, continue to play and practice your violin, and just enjoy. But I don't need to tell you that, for if anybody knew how to laugh and see the fun in life, it is you.
Happy Birthday to the girl who makes most adults look scatterbrained on a good day - our own Noopsie, Tali Rose.
Apparently Tali's video did upload, so let's see (she'd like to showcase a more polished piece, but I thought this was just grand anyway):
Note: The Birthday/Rabbit illustration is a print from the shop of Spiral Forest Studio in Etsy
Happy birthday to Tali. Great photo. I always wanted to be a portrait photographer. Maybe I could start a small studio in my shed and take portraits of dogs, but no cats! Well, maybe cats if they behave.
Happy birthday to Tali and Sofia!
Happy Birthday Tali. She's a real beauty! In a few years you'll have the boys lined up at your front door. :) Oh, and rabbit rabbit.
While you were writing away this morn, i was catching up on your posts - i am grateful and priveleged to have you as a sister - I am very grateful indeed for your posts cause they bring my own feelings to life, and leave me nodding and chuckling - the song, and your memories of Mom are a sweet smelling incense, and comforting place to come in from the fog to - thanks G - please give the kids hugs from Uncle Pat - love to you, sis
Happy Birthday to your both. Your daughter is beautiful.
Wow, they certainly missed a joined birthday only by a few days.
They both are precious, and I can say that with a certain amount of certainty, since I had the pleasure, joy and perplexity of meeting them both.
Amazing, I think you shoudl take an inch of credit for it though;)
Happy Birthday to Tali...who can light up a room and although children can do that,she has an energy that can make you get up and dance with her.
Beautiful portrait. I hope you can share thhe video too sometime.
Happy Birthday, Tali!
Rabbit, rabbit!
Oh! She's beautiful! Happy Birthday to Tali!
Rabbit rabbit!
I love coming here, because I never fail to leave feeling better than I did. Good things here G. Happiest of birthdays yet to your dear little double-digits Tali. Already skilled in the art of music like her upcoming air-guitar star brother, she is shining brightly. Children are such a sweet blessing to those of us who are lucky enough to be around them :D
Happy Birthday, Tali!!! wow, with that concentration on your face, I have no doubt that you will be good at whatever you decide to put your mind to...
G, that is one beautiful girl you've got there. I hope you work out the video so we can hear her play.
Happy Birthday beautiful
T&I: Those cats! Thank you - I have passed on all of the good wishes to the b-day girl. Ooh, I'm blushing on the "great photo" coming from you two.
Doug, it was happy indeed. thanks.
Theresa, thank you ever so much.
Pat, that's as wonderful a comment as I'm going to read today (sorry folks). I'm glad that you drop in every now and again. As I share memories of Mom, it's not without thinking of her reach to each of us. I'm glad that you read the posts - they were written for us all. Will do and hugs to yours. Love you lots. ~ G
Nessa, thanks so much.
Minka, haha - yes you did (just thinking of the airport drive with Julian eyeing you curiously).
How beautifully put - I love that! Thank you so much for your sweet message.
Ariel, you too. Thanks (ooh now I'm blushing again). The link is there (without image to click on, but oh well).
TLP: You too! And thanks - I've passed on all the well wishes to our little birthday girl!
Terry, it's a happier place when you've flown in. It's true, children are a real blessing (I should have been repeating that mantra as Julian had "his moments" today).
Yes, Tali and Julian are quite the duo. Quick story - Tali would often play violin for my Mom and family at our gatherings. We would all be seated as Tali raised the bow to the strings and began to play. Seconds into it, Julian would begin to circle and dance about her, humming the song. Tali a study in concentration. Only afterwards would my Mom bust out laughing at his antics saying "they're like a cheap vaudeville act!" We'd have a good laugh.
Pavel, thanks. Yeah she's nothing if not determined. The video is up (just without the image). Hope you enjoy.
Actonbell, it seemed fitting for her birthday. Thanks.
Kyah, thank you my friend.
good grief! as you may have noticed, i was basically incommunicado most of the weekend -- otherwise i'd have left a comment MUCH SOONER!
ah well, better late than never, right? so here goes:
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the beautiful and oh-so-brilliant Tali! may the next year be filled with 10 times 10 times infiniti the love and joy you've been blessed with over the last nine.
Rabbit, Rabbit and/or Tibbar, Tibbar, dearest NBFF!
oh, and thank you SO VERY MUCH for posting that wonderful video -- seriously, after the "Penguin Concert" Tali did for Monica at JFK i've been looking forward to hearing more! and this most certainly did not disappoint. That was just a wonderful "birthday treat" for us all!! : ) xox
Was not easy but finally I managed to see the video with Firefox.
Thank you for the mini concert! Tali has the most beautiful smile.
Tali is a lovely child and I can safely say she's a fabulous violin player at the ripe old age of 10 (you see I listen to the kids at my school playing their violins and none of them can hold a candle to Tali).
Happy Birthday dear Tali, Happy Birthday to you!!!
Happy belated birthday Tali--you play the violin amazingly--and your looks and personality shine through
Gina-in answer to your comment "the opening of an envelope" came later--it made more sense than the opening of an escalator--just remember as I met Sylvia Miles and Dr Ruth both who would go to the opening of an envelope, escalator, or anything--always wondered how an escalator could be opened, and thought it drug fueled and pretentious
courting destiny
Is it Hannukah? I think it might be. Happy Hannukah to the whole letter family.
Neva, right you are NBFF. That's why nobody is ever really late here because that excuses me from being late elsewhere (I think...in my mind anyway).
Rabbit rabbit and tibbar tibbar and thank you so much for helping to celebrate the kids' birthdays and make it special.
Thank you so much for your good wishes and glad the video loaded up in that case :) XOX
Ariel, sorry that you had to go through any trouble to see it. But glad that you did. She does have a smile that lights up a dark place.
Claire, aw thank you ever so much for all your sweet words. I'll be sure to let Tali know. She actually studies outside of school in a music program which probably gives her an edge over the school orchestra kids.
Pia, I'll be sure to pass that on. And how did I know you would absolutely know not only the correct answer but a little story behind it? Too funny (and a good post).
Doug, it is indeed. The Letters reply T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U!
Rabbit Rabbit. Your kids are so beautiful. I cannot imagine how pretty you might be then, considering they are a part of your soul and heart walking on the outside :)
Belated wishes to them
God Bless
Happy Birthday, Tali and now Happy Channukah as well (hope I spelled it right). I always like seeing kids play. I can tell you have a good teacher. I hope she tells you to go to the frog on that slow part. . . . Book 4 is very long, isn't it?
Okay, I finally saw the video and she's very talented. It was not an easy piece to play and she played it very well!. Oh, and she's also very beautiful. That smile she gave to someone while she was playing, well, it was awesome.
It's evident, G, that you are a very good parent. You can see it on your children's faces.
I wanted to return all of your comments late or not...
A.R...., that is such a beautiful sentiment and I feel as pretty as can be reading that. thank you and G-d bless to you too.
Weirsdo, thanks on Tali's behalf - for the good wishes and the good advice! Always pays to have teacherly advice.
Pavel, thank you so very much for your sweet comment. I don't always feel like the best parent, but my kids smile on the other hand, make me feel as if I can do no wrong. thank you really.
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