Playful, kind, and well-loved, you are The Peach.
The Peach Responds: Why thank ya kindly.
For such a warm-hearted, generous person, you're surprisingly experienced in both love and sex. The Peach Responds: Ooh I'm blusing. We credit your spontaneous side; you tend to live in the moment, and you don't get bogged down by inhibitions like most women your age. The Peach Responds: Living in the moment also helps when you hate to plan. If you see something wonderful, you confidently embrace it. Responds: Is that debit or credit?
You are a fun flirt and an instant sweetheart, but our guess is you're becoming more selective about long-term love. REPLY: Why yes, the longer I'm married. It's getting tougher for you to become permanently attached REPLY: Wait til I mention that over breakfast to my husband of 11 years; and a guy who's in a different place emotionally might misunderstand your early enthusiasm. Ugh, pass the milk. You can wreck someone simply by enjoying him. REPLY: Am I using him as a trampoline?
Your ideal mate is adventurous and giving, like you. But not overly intense. Your intensity is causing a glare on the computer screen, do you mind?
DREAD: The False Messiah
CONSIDER: The Loverboy, The Playboy, or The Boy Next Door REPLY: Now you tell me!
Link: The 32-Type Dating Test
Well, I'm a Loverboy. Sorry, I'm taken. :D
You just teased a java script.
Ohhhh man,
I'm exhausted after all that
Imma peach too, baby.
We're twins!
Ha! Fun test. I'm a "RGDLm Boy Next Door" -- and the dorky picture looked just like me! How'd they know?
"RGDLm Boy Next Door" - I think I'll get that printed on my business cards.
Diesel, Are ya now? ;)
Doug, Was it the pop ups?
Logo: Here have a cigarette - no just kidding - no smoking. Honey, I could tell you were a peach from the moment I met you!
Al: Having you learned about that dork word or are you trying to tell us something? I'd like to see those business cards.
Al: That was "haven't"
(Hmmm, what does 'dorky' say about me?)
I'll send you a few of my cards as soon as they're printed, G. But, first, let's have a look inside that box you've got there...
"Very well" said Pandora.
laughing and laughing (again). believe it or not, that's EXACTLY the same result i got when i took the quiz (after Pia's post). too funny...
even better, tho', is your MST-3000-esque running commentary. have i mentioned lately how much i love you AND your sense of humor?? (nothing in that "peach" thing about being gay, is there? not that there's anything wrong with it...)
further proof, i suppose, that we were destined to be NBFF's! (which is why, i suppose, we are) xox
Oh my, I'm not sure what to make of this. I'm The Battleaxe - Deliberate Brutal Love Master. It says I should always avoid the Poolboy and consider the False Messiah.
I demand a recount! *cracks whip*
Pretty harsh, Sar. Sounds like we're made for each other. The first time I took the quiz, after Pia's post, I got a label something like "unreliable sex-crazed spoiled child" and was advised to stay away from everybody, even the S&M people.
This time, when I took it, I, well, lied, so that normal people would like me. That's the one I printed out.
I always suspected this about you G.
I can't do the quiz. Its blocked so I'll have to try it later.
I can't hear the word Peach without thinking of James and the Giant Peach so thanks for that.
Neva: Hahaha, I believe it! Not that there's anything wrong with it at all. Some of the questions were tough, but I answered them to the best of my memory - hahaha, just kidding. I kid.
Sar: I think you're my nemesis! I had to cut that out because it messed up my post. Or was it THe Nymph (who looked like Dr. Spock from Star Trek). Just go back and throw in a threesome or say you talk to strangers. Not that I did or anything crazy.
Al: I'm sure the answers are written on your palm.
Kyah, was it my sassy comments at your place? You've got me curious now - inquiring minds want to know. That's a good visual. I love the illustrations from that one.
Them's are some weird questions. I couldn't finish. It kept kicking me out.
Goldennib, Hmmmm, what does that say about you butterfly? ;)
I was the "Maid of Honor" (DGLM). I guess I am as inhibited as my age.
Gosh, if I was a man I would be worried; D
I remember Loverboy. That band sucked. Oh, and you are a randy one, G!
Weirsdo: But you're as honorable as the day is long - a rare quality.
I don't know, something naughty going on over at the ex-Pansi files, inhibited you say?
Goldennib: Hahaha, I wasn't even thinking from THAT perspective. You're sassy indeed. I was just suggesting that your answers may have been too hot for the quiz to handle!
Cindra: I'm with you on the band, except now whenever I read "Loverboy", I can't help but associate with the hubby of MizB.
What's the quiz say about you? ;)
I just took the quiz and it told me that I was a piece of burnt charcoal.
Not sure that's good.
Well, Dan, under the precept that "it's better to burn out, than it is to rust", I say that you fared okay by ending up a hunka hunka burning coal.
I didn't lie--took it twice because I wanted to be a peach
The third time I looked at the questions and realized which two sealed my fate
G, I couldn't resist. Well surprise surprise, did they read my profile..... I am a Random Gentle Love Dreamer, so am looking for a gentleman, a loverboy or a boy next door... a GSOH would help too; he would need one with me... LOL
sorry I have posted this as anonymous, but when I try to post as moi, it says my password is wrong... doh!!!!
lotsa luv ann xxxxx
First, Neva referenced MST3K and that made my day. Second, I can post as me either, so I'm in the same boat as Ann. LAST, but not least, I am Maid of Honor! Woo!! Sounds fancy, huh? Hope you are well!!
Pinky-nonymous: That's it! This blogger is messing with my blogging buds, that's where I draw the line! For some unknown reason, I took the plunge and switched to Beta Blogger and am beginning to have problems posting comments and in receiving. I'll fill a complaint with the Complaint Dept. as soon as I can find them!
Now then: Maid of Honor you say - you and Mrs. Weirsdo, I believe - dignified ladies you two! ;)
Pia: You're as authentic as the day is long and you're already a peach in my book. ;)
Ann-onymous: They sure did read your profile and your on-line banking records (okay I'm kidding). But that moniker seems to fit you without even reading the profile.
This blogger is going to make me angry very soon. Both you and Pinky had problems. I'm sorry - I'll have to see what's what. xox
I'm glad I checked back in here, because these comments are the funniest thing I've read in a while.
And Doug - I tease Javascript because it's payback time, if you know what I mean.
BTW, how f****d up do you have to be for your ideal mate to be the "false messiah"?
"Do you mind if I set you up with this friend of mine? He's the antichrist, but he's got great teeth."
Diesel, You know I'm glad you did too because it lored me back in and I had another chuckle. Nothing like the hint of a little slap and tickle to get everybody all giddy.
Oh and on your last comment - totally. "...and he's really nice when he's not drinking".
...ok. trying AGAIN.
hello! hello! does this thing work?
i love you all, again...
crap! stupid blogger!
that was ME!
FirstNations! that last anonymous was me! i can post!
I got nothing, but i can post!
bye, peaches! *smooch!*
YIPPPEEEE! FN can post, I don't care if it's as Anonymous (although I miss the tatoo, but YIPPPPEEEEE). Even when you got nothin - you've got something!
Smooches to you too! xox Peaches
me and Weirsdo-the Maids of Honor.
I had to come back and do this one and am so gratified to know I'm a deliberate gentle love master.
Kyahgirl, you're cracking me up!
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