Diesel, I am recommending Dear Mrs LaRue - Letters from Obedience School by Mark Teague. I recommend it for a number of reaons, namely, it is one of our family's faves. Also, when read with the proper French accent whenever you say Mrs. LaRue (not because we think she's French, but because it makes Julian laugh), it's a real joy. Lastly, if this doesn't tickle some funny bone, I just know that your children will gladly take it off your hands. In fact, I recommend this as a family read-together book.
There is not one of you who visits here, as a matter of fact, who would not benefit from Ike's tale of woe. So please go out today and read it. And for those with dogs - or cats, needing a little special something for the list for the upcoming holidays - what are you waiting for?! Also, if you have a book for Diesel, stop by and read up and get to recommending!
Now then, where last we left off in this tale, those Hibbins cats...
Thanks, G! It definitely looks a bit lighter than most of the recommendations. I'll be adding it to the list shortly. :)
Damn! I was supposed to tell you wasn't I? Lighter yes, yet educational. Enjoy!
I will keep it in mind. It looks funny, and I can say "Meezes Larheww" with the best of them.
Looks funny, yes, weirsdo, but what have you been told about judging books by their covers, huh? (On the plus side, you write with a great French accent. :-)
[Thanks for the lead, G. Hope you're feeling better.]
this looks a fantastic idea... I have a great book I recommend to anyone who will listen, so maybe I'll pop over to diesel.... my problem is I don't follow rules very well.
would someone please spell them out for me... doh!!!!
lotsa luv ann xxxxx
somehow i knew all the really GREAT kids' books came out after my sons were too old to be read to (that was just last year, by the way).
sounds like a weeeeener, and, as it happens, i *can* do a fantastic fake french accent. yessiree babbette, i perfected this questionable skill while reading the lines from the computer game, Monkey Island, to my sons (up until last year, that is.) trust me, you ain't heard nuthin' 'til you've heard me portray the Pirate LeChuck.
uh... where was i before i interrupted myself? oh yeah...funny post, NBFF! although i do find the fact that you just "happened" to have it laying around your blog, and then managed to flip it into a bid to participate in Diesel's lame-ass contest a bit convenient, but hey, at least you played. (and i plan to, as soon as i can find a book i think is worthy of his lame-ass contest and/or he'll actually want to read.) xoxox
My fav fake French accent books were the Anatole books.
He was a mouse with an excellent work ethic, outstanding taste in cheese (0f course) and 6 lovely children: Paul and Paulette, Claude and Claudette, Georges and Georgette.
Good times, good times
I'm partial to Madeline, as that's my daughter's name....
Ann - the rules are: Write a blog entry on your blog recommending a book. Link to me in your blog entry. I'll add your book to my list and give you credit for recommending it. I read the book and tell you what I thought of it. That's about it.
ooh. That sounds like something I'd like to get my hands on as well. It looks like Diesel's contest is pretty useful for all involved!
Weirsdo: I think you may just get a kick out of this book. I do. Plus, there's the Meezes Larheww - oh you're good.
Al: I'm beginning to feel like Chicken Little - I keep thinking I'm coming down with something then I'm fine the next day. I'll take it. Hey Al, don't you judge it - you might just love it. Ike LaRue is one funny dog. I may read it before bed myself. Scissors has that part in our household
Ann: Diesel is willing to gently guide you through once (because he's hoping for shamelss links). After that, he may get snippy. If you need help, stop back.
Neva: I'm buying this one for Max and Bobo and Sophie. They'll love it - oh and FuzzyButt too!
It iz a weener. But it iz not French - Ike transcends and defies description. He is just so damn funny!
That's right - just laying around for just such an occassion. Call me Martha Stewart of the blogs.
Logo: Ooh zey zound lovely.
Diesel: And a lovely name (and certainly book) it is! French accents there too with Miss Clavell!
Pavel: It is indeed. The book is flat out funny, I think you and the kids would enjoy!
"Meezes Larheww"
LOL I love it!
Looks like a good read.
Looks like another good suggestion.
I'm waiting for the movie to come out. And if Mrs. LaRue is is played by Scarlett Johansen, I will definitely go and see it. Maybe even rent the DVD for a second viewing.
DB!: I bet you would love Meezes Larheww! Great to see you.
Goldennib: Yours looks like an excellent recomendation. :)
Dan: See this is how books get ruined! I'm guessing you might even buy the DVD (but then again I guessed that you owned a Barbie collection which I'm still a bit suspicious about).
I seem to lack the intelligence to understand any person's contest
Lighter yet educational--probably what I need
favorite family read together book of all time: MAX'S BREAKFAST.
'you can't hide from your egg' words to live by.
gotta go see this other blog. maybe i can snipe a few titles.
Pia: Never mind - I think this may be just what you need right now. All these contests, rules, I mean who knew blogging could be so much work? ;)
fn: you can't hide from your egg - true indeed! That sounds worth checking into for that advice alone.
Go check em out. I'm ready to swip a few.
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