Happy Birthday to my little girl, Daddy's little Noopsie, Julian's princess...our very own natural treasure.
So let's take a stroll down memory lane. It's just about nine years ago right about now that you started your birth journey. My water broke just as I finished the Sunday New York Times which was rather considerate of you. I once commented when you were about two years old how you remember everything. And you replied "then there was water and I was coming down", and I said to Daddy, "my G'd, she remembers being born!". Although you were probably talking about being on a water slide, it would not surprise me if you were talking about your birth. You were a little old soul from early on. A studied pair of eyes that took in EVERYTHING. Aunt ShooShoo commented when she visited us in the hospital, "look how she follows our voices - Genius!".
So tomorrow is your birthday and we will continue our celebrations throughout the weekend. But on this first day of December, your ninth birthday, I wish for you this:
1) good health;
2) that no woe shall ever be more than your leaves tee can handle;
3) that you'll always be as spunky as you are today;
4) that you'll work hard to achieve your best;
5) you'll forgive youself when you've done your worst;
6) you'll always have that pragmatic but kind heart;
7) happiness in who you are;
8) knowledge that your family could NOT be more proud of you than we already are;
9) that the light that shines forth from you will never diminish.
Tali, a girl like you comes along once in a century. I will have to borrow a line that our friend Doug used to describe your droll outlook. I didn't say it but I know that I've felt it in my heart since the moment I first held you on my tummy -
"A girl like you is more rare than a unicorn and more precious than gold."
Happy Birthday, sweet girl. Dream big.
Happy Birthday, Tali!!! I do hope you have a very special day.
(loved the "...remembers being born" bit!)
What an absolutely sweet post about your daughter! And Tali is a wonderful name.
Any photos?
Happy Birthday Tali, you little sweetheart!
Awwww, G, that was so sweet, you gave me happy chills!
Happy Birthday, Tali and happy birthaversary to your mommy. :)
Sunrise, sunset...
Happy birthday, Tali! Sweet post, G, and a very big week for you. All the best of everything to you and your family.
another beautiful birthday tribute, NBFF! wow, my eyes were barely dried out from your last one.
like Tali, my son used to talk about "the water" when he was a wee one, and i've always wondered the same thing... "little old soul" describes my feeling about him back then, perfectly!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TALI! you are now an official pre-teen teen. (or is that pre-pre-teen teen? kids grow up so fast these days, i can never remember where one stage stops and the next one starts!) my wish for you is a *lifetime* filled with love and abundant joy -- and as far as i can tell, you're well on your way to having both. xoxox
ooooh, i almost forgot:
Rabbit, Rabbit, NBFF! considering this month kicks into full swing from the get go, i'm thinkin' you'll need it. xoxo
Great post G and happiest of birthdays Tali!
Happy Birthday Tali - the age of 9 is such a wonderful time. I wish you nothing but the best in this year! Happy Birthday Tali!!
(G your lucky like me back to back birthdays! Cept mine is times 3.)
Gosh, CJ, three back to back?!
You folks have to learn to space things out, ya know! For instance, my three are Feb, June, and Oct.
See? Four Months apart, and let me tell ya, it took great control to manage it! (okay okay, we got lucky...)
Ooooweee! The bloggin' dynamo mama is back in full form FULL FORCE! WOOH! The bohemian is dutifully and excitedly catching up (I am giddy, GIDDY I TELL YOU!)
*GASPETTY GASP* You are NOT friends with anal personalities??? *sob me a river* What is this bohemian to do??? Well, through my tears I will tell you that SOME anal personalities CAN go with the flow when it comes to kids but... pfffft... I am still crying you see... BWAAAAAHHHHH...
Ha, ha, haaaa! Hey, who said I learned nothing from my narcissist of a mama in making that post about me? He, he, heeee! ;-P
As for you oh-so-proud-and-rightfully-so mama, beautiful words... they made me think of my little girl and how so many things you say hold true to her... not the motherly bias, I think we can see past that and you do that with Tali, see her as this amazing and sweet soul that she is, her own individual and independent little life and you know what? A greater, more selfless and beautiful gift could not be given... reminds me of Khalil Gibran's words about children... just makes me love you all the more!
Live it up and enjoy your beautiful family dear friend! And happy weekend to you amiga!
Happy Birthday Tali. :)
Tali... oh how wonderful... a birthday.. hope you have lotsa fun with all your family and friends and... lotsa cake.... yum yum
Happy Birthday Sweetheart
lotsa luv auntie ann xxxx
Doh! stooopid me... forget to say
Shabbat Shalom
lotsa luv ann xxxx
Oh my goodness! Such a busy time at your house! Such wondrful business!
Congratulations and Happy Birthday Tali!
D :)
Happy Birthday!!! I wish you much love today, although it seems like your mom is gushing with it!
Your daughter sounds very special. Happy Birthday to you both.
Happy Birthday Tali!
Keep writing and playing.
Btw, Hard Solo just won 2nd prize in the Fourth Annual Moscow Paganini International Competition at the ripe old age of 16.
this has everything to do with evanescence, and nothing to do with crazy pills, right?
what i *meant* to say was... "but does it taste like Tang?" xox
MizB: Yes I must blog on baby! Oh and your kind of anal I can take (did that sound bad?) - you know what I mean. I'm nutsy about things being in place and having things in order. So that kind of anal and attention to detail is just fine with me. In fact it puts you up on a pedestal! But if you mix uptight into that recipe, probably not good. So get out of that rowboat you've cried yourself into or better still, head it east once you get back on these shores!
Oh and I can see that with LilB as I see her artwork and see her sweet soul shining through in the videos. Oh yes. And putting our motherly bias aside, I am in just in awe of my children as I can are you. Every day, I just sit in awe and wonder of the gift we have been given. Every day. So now's the time to remember and celebrate that! And this makes me love you even more as well mi amiga, for you are a kindred spirit indeed. I will make my way by, but it seems at the end of the weekend at this rate.
Hope you are having a great weekend and Neshikot right to ya! xox
Brian: Thanks - I'll pass on the wishes.
Auntie Ann: Thank you on behalf of the Princess. So far so good and we still have a party for the two kiddies tomorrow. ;) xox
Ann: Hope it was a good shabbos for you. xox
FF: It's a revolving door of activity! But all good stuff. Thanks for your sweet wishes.
Pinky: Ah, you know the feeling! Thank you.
Goldennib: Even overlooking my obvious bias, I think so. Thank you so much.
Weirsdo: Thank you! I will pass on your wise message. WOW, that is amazing news on Hard Solo. I'm sure Mall Diva's love grows by the note.
Neva: All roads lead to evanescence my dear. ;)
Neva: Yes, orange flavored (or is that the only flavor Tang comes in?).
Pavel: Thanks for your sweet wishes Pavel. Yes indeed a little old soul.
Dan: Thanks Dan - her name is Hebrew and means morning dew. One of these days, I may get back into the photo sharing. I'll pass on your sweet words.
Sar: Thank you sweet friend. I like that - birthaversary - very goood! :)
Al: Oh I love that song - you want to make me cry now? Thanks Al for joining in the celebration.
Neva: Don't worry the tissues are still out. I cry thinking of the time passed. Yes you know a thing or two about little old souls it seems. Thank you for those sweet wishes for Tali, I will read them to her when we finally have a free moment together. xoxox
And I know I wished you Rabbit Rabbit before so back at ya again. ;)
Joel: thanks and I'll pass that on to the B-girl.
cj: Thank you - nine is a good one for sure! Then things get a little interesting, but one year at a time. Ooh three - now that's pushing it. But you do make it look like fun my friend. ;)
Pavel: What can we say - must have something to do with mating seasons. Don't think I'm not thinking of that as my head spins with all of the acitivity! ;)
Okay, all a blanket thank you for joining in on the birthday fun in the Lampshade house this past week.
This was a little break, I'm off to assess the decor and see what other details I've spaced on in the eleventh hour.
Hope you all are having a great weekend.
Have been away from blogging for awhile, but so glad I was here in time to wish Tali and very special Happy Happy Birthday. This is a wonderfully written, sweet sweet post.
Swampy: In a way, I haven't been either - not in the way I would like to. I haven't had much time to get out to my friends but I try at least once or twice a week to get around to everyone's.
Thank you for the birthday wishes and for your visit. Always nice to see you. ~ LWTLSOHH
What a wonderful age...Happy Birthday beautiful darlin'!
See? I'm gone three days and everyone gets old.
Happy ninth birthday as a mom.
Cindra: Thank you on behalf of my sweet darlin! These are the days, oh yes.
Doug: It's taking a toll - hurry home. And thanks.
Happy Birthday, Tali! My my, how that year just flew by...
Al, you're cracking me up and I might have had something for you to read (I'm not guaranteeing content value), but blogger was giving me a problem when I had the time, now - oh who cares. And I'm beginning to feel fluish.
Hi Al. Thanks for stopping by.
Feel better, G, and take your time. We miss you, but we can wait. :-)
Meanwhile, you're the star of the show, for the moment, over at Doug's Story Thread.
Thanks Al, I might if I was in my bed instead of at my desk...well, I'll go handle some work and perhaps remedy that.
Star of the show, you say? My curiosity is piqued, hmmmm...
*at* your desk? by now i'm thinking your ON it.(you'd probably be under it, if Nadia hadn't gotten there first.)
i'm so sorry if you caught this thing from me. man -- those computer viruses just keep gettin' stronger, don't they? oy. it's gettin' so you can't trust e-mail from anyone.
feel better, dearest NBFF!xox
that's "you're ON it", as in YOU ARE ON IT. as in (or ON) your desk.
yeesh. why don't i proof anymore? hell if i know...
So far I continue to stave off the virus. Wicked.
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