A road trip, if you watch the video that I linked to, will include smoking, drinking, shoplifting, and making rude gestures to truckers. Come on, what do you take us for? A couple of teenagers?
The most exciting part of the trip is that we'll be having lunch with somebody known for her:

Did you guess? Well stroll through CENTRAL SNARK where all the details await you.
I'm sure you're doing something equally exciting today, so you know, enjoy work or whatever.
whoo hoo! and we are off, baby! and we've got snacks! and music! and a sun roof! (which we won't use because it's too freakin' cold, but so what?) unfortunately, i won't be wearing my heels today, for i avoid those things at any and all costs. i sure hope Sar thinks my UGGS are pretty and/or doesn't mind cookies i baked (and burned) in order to surprise her with a treat. surprise! xoxo
Enjoy your roadie!!
have an ab fab time sweetie... I love French and Saunders
lotsa luv ann xxxx
Yes an exciting day indeed! A road trip for you guys and a stress test for me! whoohoo! By the way...have to take some responsibility for the burned cookies. I was asked to take them out of the oven when the timer went off and I did take one batch out...didn't know there was another in the bottom oven...oops!
Calling all cars, calling all cars.. be on the lookout for a shaggy dog and talking lampshade. They are on the way to meet a pair of shoes.
Have a great time. :)
That exciting? Are you kidding me? I mean, sure, I went to a couple meetings and all but still.
Oh my goodness...the lady with the lampshade on her head is running loose...Have fun !
Neva: Whoo hoo indeed! What a good time had by all! I'm still eating the cookies - I do wish I could stop. When you have a size 6 1/2 shoe, UGG boots are cute. xox
cj: Thanks - it was great!
Ann: We did. I have only recently been introduced to them and love them. Hope you had a nice Shabbos. xox
Joel!: Those damn dual ovens! They'll get you every time! What a great day indeed - and you got to meet the NBFF and I got to meet you guys! Whoo hoo!
Brian: They'd be no match for Snuppy's driving.
Doug: THAT EXCITING! I mean I'm sure your meetings were exciting!
Swampwitch: We had a grand day out! Running loose ineed.
Have a great weekend all!
Lucky you...all of you girls! That is exciting. My week-end is exceptionally dull in comparison, but then, that's okay sometimes. Glad you had a blast.
WOOH TO DA HOOH!!! How I wish I could have been there with y'all! I KNOW a good time was had (I have my sources you know! *cough* Neva *cough*) and am soooo happy you guys got to do this!!!
Neva, Uggs? I forgot to mention that on the phone but though the name may imply uggo, I think them funkified beauties! You go soul sistah!
And sweet G, have a faboo weekend and rest up I tell you!
Much craziness is down in the land o' BoheMia... so what's new huh? Besos and mucho amor!
Cindra, Sometimes dull is good (actually most of the time I'll take that as I am a homebody) but we did have a great get together!
MizB: And didn't we imagine you seated right next to Sar! Yes we did! I'm sure *your source* mentioned that.
I have now officially caught up in the Land of Bohemia as I eagerly await the next video! Hope it was a great weekend and you were there with us in spirit FO SHO!!
Besos y amor to you mi amiga xox ~ G
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