...for about ten minutes today. A thought for a post flashed into my head and ideas swirled in layers one on top of another...and then I awoke with a start drooling at my desk.
The Music Stand
It was a warm July day, but not the oppressively hot ones. No, this was no humidity and it was lucky to be 80 degrees. They had gone upstate for the weekend just to get away from the hustle and bustle of every day life. They would spend some time by the lake and meander about in different antique stores. In one such place, that was more hodgepodge than true antiques, she found a brass music stand. She bought it. Over the years it held books or a picture, but was never used for its true calling because well, she did not play an instrument.
Winters and summers passed. The music stand always survived the edits of households. Finally one Springtime, they discovered they were going to have a baby. She was born late in the Fall. Spring times and autumns passed and she would learn to play the violin.
The music stand would finally hold music for a musician. It was happy.
damn, girlfriend. when i drool at my desk, the only thing that happens is a few papers get wet. YOU drool, and a lovely story springs forward, fully formed.
i do believe you could publish this sweet story (maybe add in a couple of illustrations, for "effect") along with your other fine short fictional pieces, and wind up with a grand book! i know i'd buy it.
oh, and did we do a bit o' housekeeping on our blog, today? (or, as you so cleverly put it, an "edit of the household" love that.) this is a good look for March, especially with St. Patrick's day coming up! (seriously, it looks great. or green. or great IN green.) xox
I guess I should have stated that although in story format - it is autobiographical (how pretentious does that sound?) or is based on true life events. But thank you, thank you all the same. You are good for the soul dear friend.
You know, I so want to customize and have had some lovely offers to help me get going in that direction...so until then, there's always playing around with the colors. xox
PS: If I've left anyone off the blogroll, it was not my intention to do so. Please hit me over the head with your URL in your comment. Thanks.
LOVE the green, it makes me happy. And this story just seems to be fitting into my life right now. Music seems to be swirling around me and I think I need to return to it.
Beautiful, thoughtful, inspiring. Thank you, g.
Lovely story.....I agree with Neva you could publish this.
I also love your artist profiles...your Muse is lovely.
i actually understood this to be rooted in personal history and/or musings (there's a variation of that word again!), my friend. doesn't change the fact that it's a grand bit o' story-telling! xoxox
Cute story, G -- and a little depressing, too, because it reminds me of the two or three HUNDRED THOUSAND things in my basement that will never be anything to anybody but that we somehow just - can't - seem - to - throw - away... grrrr...
OK, I'm over it. And, I'm happy for your lonely music stand. And, of course, for Tali, too, that they found each other.
"the edits of households"
That's a nice phrase. Sounds like Al needs a good editor.
Loved it, G! What a sweet sweet story.
That was a fun post. Does "Tali" mean heirloom in Hebrew?
And why are the timestamps on your posts and comments set for my house?
Pinky, I'm very fickle lately but the green is nice and bright. You should definitely - you can never have too many creative talents, each inspiring the other. Lucky you. Thanks Pinky.
Mo'a: Thank you Mo'a. I may just make my own little book for fun. You two have inspired me. She is lovely, isn't she? I'm glad you enjoyed.
Neva: Of course you did! It's me that was a little slow on the uptake. Thank you. xoxox
Al: Loosen the chains Al - garage sales can be fun. They are a perfect match.
Diesel, Thanks. Yeah that and a good garage sale. Springtime is coming.
Pavel, thanks - I'm glad.
Doug, Glad you liked. Hahaha, actually it can mean two things 1) morning dew (which we had in mind) and 2) little lamb (which is also sweet). But heirloom is good.
Why to make you feel right at home of course.
Note to self - check timestamps.
Al, I meant Tali and the music stand as a perfect match and thank you.
Fiction, personal essay, it doesn't matter. It's lovely
And yes G, as I always tell you, you're very publishable
Do you think she somehow knew that she would need that music stand someday? I wonder what other knowledge came to her presciently?
As always, very interesting...
waiting for the rest of the story!
Pia: I just love how you cut to the chase. Thank you. From you, that is a big compliment.
Claire: The answer is no, she, being me, often bought things just because she, being I, fancied them. But it does bring up an interesting philosophical matrixey (Neva help me out with that one) question - are these occurances random or is each step in the path connected and leading up to something. The rest of the story will all depend upon how much the daughter (meaning mine) practices :)
The music stand needed a little practice is all... for it's very important career.
i knew this was autobiographical!
i'm with neva.
i wish i was as good with brevity. blah blah blither ramble yap. never met an adjective i didn't like.
You did that to test me.
What a great (inspired by actual events) story! Bravo Lampy G.
hello? does no one see that I complimented that "household/edit" phrase FIRST?? oy. me and my invisible ink. sigh...
you did good today, my friend. lovelovelove your SATURDAY SPIN in the SNARK! (everything else you've been up to is pretty darn spectacular, as well!)
sloexst: slow existence? eh. where's the fun in that? ; )
SomewhereJoe: I think that's it. It knew I was holding onto it for a reason.
fn: Thank you but you without your adjectives and many of them just doesn't seem right. Don't go changin' :)
Doug, I am sure I don't know what you're talking about.
Joel: Heh heh, thanks Joel.
Actonbell: Thank you. The lessons are indeed (although the practice not always so much).
Neva, I don't know - I see your comments in bold! Heh heh, thank you and your crafty hints are too funny. XOX
Thanks Actonbell! More tea?
And may many happy years of music making lie in Tali's future.
Is it Spring yet? very green around here...I likes it!
now ... I am glad fo rteh music stand, to be finally used for what it does best and fortunate for a musician to have one to improve :)
Weirsdo: Thank you, I certainly hope so.
Minka: Thank you - I'm willing it here:) They are a perfect match the music stand and the girl!
I LOVE your music stand happy-ending story.... and green is perfect for this time of year. Love the story - wish my daydreams were as fruitful :-D
They say if you keep something long enough, its true purpose will come into being.
Terry: The green just feels "fresh". You can almost smell Spring in the air. Thank you.
Icy, such a wise pup, I'd have to agree with that.
You changed the color again.
I think it's beginning to change itself - a chameleon.
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