Scissors often accuses me of answering a question with a question which is also a Jewish trait. This furthers my assertion that the Irish are one of the Lost Tribes of Israel.
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! May the luck of the Irish be with us all.
A blog about simplicity and the maddening search therein.
In answer to below post - thanks Doug :)
You're welcome! Erin goy bra?
Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Luck and beer are involved and also bra? Oh well, as Paul said, olbadi, oblada, life goes on bra!
And fast recover to Julian!
Thanks, I'll take all the luck I can get! ;-)
Hope you have a great day!
Doug, eri goy bra to you! Hahaha.
Ariel, Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too. Lala lay la goes bra!
Ariel, thanks - he's on antibiotics to fight Scarlet Fever (didn't know that was still around). Should be quick now that he's taking meds. Thanks.
Jeff, luck in any form can't hurt, right?
And a great one to you too!
that was Erin, Doug.
Well I am a little late...however, I can wish you a Happy St. Patric's Evening.
OMG Scarlet Fever...I am with you I thought it had gone out with the flappers...The Scissor family is very dramatic when it comes to illnesses...Take care all of you and no more exotic deceases please.
Happy belated Saint Paddy's Day to you too! That was pretty fun, the thing about the Irish being the lost tribe...
Time after time I hear about a kindergargtener has Scarlet Fever here but no epidemic. They usually feel special and are very proud. Children... :-)
My hubby answers questions with questions, but he's all Welsh! I'm the Irish lass in the house! HA! Happy St. Paddy's to you, too!!
Happy belated St. Patrick's Day.
Think Julian, Tali and I too answer that question, don't we
Erin goy bra--a few days late and A freilach a Purim
Had to copy that second one from my sister's email--she might be turning me into a temple going Jew with definitive Irish roots
You know I think you're on to something there. I'm Irish (and Italian) and have always felt a kindred spirit with Jewish people.
My son had scarlet fever once. It's a bit scary, but thankfully the antibiotics usually do the trick. Julian, hope you feel better real soon!
I hope no Jewish-Irish lawyers read this post. They might be trebly offended.
Happy St Pat's...um, next year:P
I rather missed it this time around, hm?
I've been away too long. Sorry to hear your boy boy is sick - my eldest had scarlet fever when she was small. It caused blisters on the bottoms of her feet, and a pretty rash as well. Well, hope all is well by now with Julian.
What a funny bunch of comments you got on this post. Sorry I missed the festivities while in Iceland. It was grand. Chicago wasn't too bad either :-D
Though I am an orange wearer, a belated Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too. We've missed you and family.
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