This episode finds our hapless unhip to the unwitting eye non-technie blogger trying to post a song to her blog. Had she succeeded she would have posted the song "Waste" by Phish. And you would be having your coffee and browsing through the list of "Essential Albums" as voted by the listeners of an Independent radio station that I listen to from Fordham University in New York, call lettersWFUV:

Bob Dylan, Blood on the Tracks
Bruce Springsteen, Born to Run
The Beatles, Abbey Road
The Beatles, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
The Beatles, Rubber Soul
Joni Mitchell, Blue
The Beatles, The White Album
The Beatles, Revolver
Van Morrison, Moondance
The Clash, London Calling
Bob Dylan, Blonde on Blonde
Beach Boys, Pet Sounds
Paul Simon, Graceland
Carole King, Tapestry
Neil Young, After the Gold Rush
Lucinda Williams, Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
The Rolling Stones, Exile on Main Street
Miles Davis, Kind of Blue
The Grateful Dead, American Beauty
Bob Dylan, Highway 61 Revisited
Derek and the Dominoes, Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs
Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon
Allman Brothers, Live at the Fillmore East
Van Morrison, Astral Weeks
Joni Mitchell, Court and Spark
Simon and Garfunkel, Bookends
Crosby Stills and Nash, Crosby Stills and Nash
The Band, The Last Waltz
The Who, Who's Next
U2, The Joshua Tree
Steely Dan, Aja
The Band, The Band
The Who, Tommy
Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Déjá vu
Bruce Springsteen, Greetings from Asbury Park, NJ
Jackson Browne, Late for the Sky
Radiohead, OK Computer
The Band, Music from Big Pink
The Beatles, Meet the Beatles
The Rolling Stones, Sticky Fingers
The Grateful Dead, Workingman's Dead
Allman Brothers, Eat a Peach
Bob Marley, Legend
The Grateful Dead, Europe '72
Bob Dylan, Bringing It All Back Home
Elvis Costello, My Aim Is True
Emmylou Harris, Wrecking Ball
John Coltrane, A Love Supreme
George Harrison, All Things Must Pass
James Taylor, Sweet Baby James
Stevie Wonder, Songs in the Key of Life
The Who, Quadrophenia
Bob Dylan, Desire
David Bowie, The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust
Bruce Springsteen, Nebraska
Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Four Way Street
The Rolling Stones, Beggars Banquet
Blood Sweat and Tears, Child is the Father of the Man
Counting Crows, August and Everything After
Bruce Springsteen, The Rising
The Rolling Stones, Let It Bleed
Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, Ella and Louis
Neil Young, Harvest
Dave Brubeck Quartet, Time Out
Elton John, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Meatloaf, Bat Out of Hell
Neil Young, Harvest Moon
Nick Drake, Pink Moon
Tom Waits, Closing Time
Radiohead, The Bends
Pink Floyd, The Wall
Tori Amos, Little Earthquakes
Van Morrison, Tupelo Honey
Talking Heads, Stop Making Sense
David Gray, White Ladder
Elvis Costello, Imperial Bedroom
Cat Stevens, Tea for the Tillerman
Eric Clapton, Clapton Unplugged
Frank Sinatra, Songs for Swinging Lovers
Johnny Cash, Live at Folsom Prison
Jefferson Airplane, Surrealistic Pillow
Joe Jackson, Look Sharp!
Joni Mitchell, Hejira
Fleetwood Mac, Rumours
Stevie Wonder, Innervisions
Wilco, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Laura Nyro, Eli and the 13th Confession
Little Feat, Waiting for Columbus
R.E.M., Automatic for the People
Ryan Adams, Gold
But alas dear bloggers, tis not to
Is your essential on there?
Now I'm up well beyond the curfew so I wish you all a good night and a good morning and a great weekend.
Now scoot on over to the THE SNARK where music continues to permeate the airwaves.
How could I have missed parts I through MMXXVI? I'll be paying a lot more attention from now on.
Jimi Hendrix, HENDRIX LIVE!!!!!!!!
Muddy Waters ELECTRIC MUD!!!!!!!!
Weather Report HEAVY WEATHER
ooOO! ignorant indie poobutts!!! i am outraged! who do i call? who do i write to?
what no Bon Jovi... hmmmm!!!!!
I loved that. I have tons of stuff on that list. One of the things I liked about that list was that many albums were more than 10-15 years old. Doesn't make me seem so out of touch with music. It reminded me to bring out some of my old records!
Have a good weekend G!
a: Small foibles - if you skim, you'll miss :)
FN: Yes some good stuff. Whenever I see Weather Report - Heavy Weather - don't you know I can visualize that album? My brother Billy's. I'm laughing because I'd like to set you loose and let you take over the studio for an afternoon. Okay, love those additions. Truth is the station is pretty "Songwriter" oriented type music. So not much Jimi gets played except by one of the old timers who can't help themselves.
ann: Sadly, you'll have to go to "Top of the Pops" for your BonJovi but I like them as well. Don't own any of their records, but I like.
cj: There's my Barenaked Lady friend! Me too. See? Get out the music and have a dance party. We're having one in the Lampshade Household - still in my pj's. Feels good.
You have a good weekend too. Go get the music out...
There's no NEW stuff on there!
I know Logo! You know people get a little sentimental and nostalgic when you mention the word "Essential". Maybe Radiohead and Ryan Adams (not sure what year those albums are from).
there is not one album on that list i don't love and/or have. oh wait... there is ONE. James Taylor. i'm sorry, but he bugs me (sacrilege, i know, but there it is)
i'm quite certain a few of my *true* favorites are missing, but everytime i read through that lengthy list, my brain gets jumbled (it's like a freaking musical montage inside my head right now) and i can't remember any others. woe is me.
oh wait, i really like Brian Wilson's "Smile". and i ADORE Janis Joplin, i mean, come on, Cheap Thrills is beyond fabu. oh, and then there's... er, um... nope. i got nothin' else at the moment. (of course, as sure as i'm typing this pathetic comment and hit "publish" a dozen titles will wash back into my brain--hope i can hold onto it long enough to come back here and share.) sigh. xox
I must confess that I've never heard of Lucinda Williams. I will need to bookmark your list. And I haven't a clue about how to put a song on my page. Most of these I know and like very much, and it just shows how amazingly classic the Beatles are--thanks! That was not a waste of time:)
Excellent list but...No Queen? No Bohemian Rhapsody?
I love the list and the fact that you spent so much time sharing it with us. I can identify with most of the songs and they do bring back memories. There is a gal who wrote, "Angels Among Us" - Alabama's hit, and yes, I love country too, whose name is Becky Hobbs. If you've not heard of her, take the time to listen. Her song writing abilities are extraordinary.
Neva: I know, I always have a hard time zeroing in on my favorites. I won't mention the JT thing to anybody. Your faves would make nice additions - as do you. xox
Actonbell: I agree - The Beatles - start there and end there. Lucinda Williams is a songwriter, sort of gravelly voice, but that album which I own is great from start to finish. Yeah, there are some good reminders on the list.
Joel: I know - this station as Scissors would say is "G" music. You won't often hear Queen and the like there. On the upside, I hear lots of great new songwriters. And I always know where to go to get my dose of Queen - Scissor's cd's.
Swampwitch: Swampy I'm glad, but I can't take credit for spending too much time - it was a copy and paste job. Thanks for the heads up on Becky Hobbs. I'll look into her. I love a good songwriter.
Oh and by the way, your new place is fabulous - nice going.
Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Oh, goodness, that was a brain fart--Lucinda Williams, yes, it all come back:)
early signs
Franco, it would actually make fun for me if it landed right here in my upstretched palm.
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