So thank you all for your well wishes for the new year all along. If you're confused as to what the heck we still have to celebrate about, just click the link above.
Since it's the weekend, I know we all have something to celebrate? Have a great one and see you in the sukkah! By the way, Tali-muffin put up her own post about decorating the sukkah HERE
On a sidenote, but deserving of a post in and of itself is the very tragic incident in the Amish country this past week. The thought of this horrific slaughter has haunted my thoughts all week. One day, perhaps Tali and I will tell you of our family trip to the Amish Country and meeting Lydia Ruth. I could not close without mention of this tragedy and hope the poor people effected find comfort in their memories. Although how, I am not sure. Until then, please keep this community in whatever prayers or thoughts are a comfort.
lovely post, my friend (and i just know this is why i haven't heard from your happy little self in quite a little while!). and, as you know (i hope you know... you got my e-mail, right?), i actually *am* aware of the upcoming festivity... and hope you and yours will enjoy a happy and joyous time of feasting and fellowship. 7 days of celebration? sign me up!
i am not surprised to know the tragedy of a few days ago touched you in the way it has... any parent, heck, any loving human being is heartbroken for the loss of those children. that this tragedy took place in the midst of such a gentle community made it seem all the more heinous and senseless. they have all been in our thoughts and prayers since that horrible day.
now go! be with your family... hold them all close and enjoy your weekend, dearest NBFF!! xoxo
Happy holidays. The synagogue crowd (yes, there's just one in town) did not harvest our bamboo this year for theirs.
Can't say anything about the Amish shooting, except, What is the matter with people? Life is hard enough without this.
I did and do know that you know or something (I'm tired). But you wouldn't know because I never did get back to you - oy vay. Thanks my friend. Amazing grace really - they forgived this sick **** and hence let his family begin the healing process as well. Thank you, I'm so glad to have a nice long weekend with them.
Weirsdo: Thank you. Yes I remember now your mentioning the bamboo. Hmmm? We would have taken it.
See that's the very scary thing - that there are such sick people out there. Who's to say who is safe and who is a potential murderer? How can we protect our own innocent ones?
Cindra Jo: I thought I saw you here one moment and then not. If you deleted your comment, that's cool. I just wanted to make sure I didn't accidentally.
Okay everybody, lights out.
Dear G...two things. I just read your guest post from last week over at the Belle and loved it. Also...my thoughts have also been with the Amish community that suffered this most recent tragedy. I actually cut out a photo of the funeral procession from the newspaper and pinned it to my "Board," which is strange. Usually only things that make me laugh, smile or remember go on this board. I guess I want to remember this...or better yet, I don't want to forget. This photo haunts me...
One more thing (okay, so I lied about only two things, sometimes I do that). I love that you love your family and it shows through in your writing. Good for you chica! Good for you.
Glad you found my site so I could find yours. ;)
the senseless killing is very distressing g and fills me with grief too. I have nothing to offer except the usual big warm friendly hug.
take care
Hi G:
Happy Holidays.
Thanks for the Jewish 101 link. I love learning about other religions.
I liked your MIL post.
Thanks for stopping at my place.
Teri: Thank you, I'm glad. You know that was a visual in the newspapers that struck me as well. The funerals. Very haunting indeed.
I do love them so - they are my greatest source of joy (also my greatest source of stress :). Guess you can't have one without the other. Thanks for dropping in, I enjoyed your comment.
Kyah: You give the best warm friendly hugs! Yes it is so hard to reconcile such a senselss violent murder of innocence. So hard. Take care too my friend.
Nessa: Thank you. I always like to give a link so people know what I'm talking about. It is interesting isn't it? I like to understand other religions as well. Thanks for flying by.
Have a great weekend all ~ G
It is hard to balance protecting children with giving them a sense of self-confidence and independence. Two things that have helped with Mall Diva are her making her own money (she's been playing gigs since she was 8) and use of cell phone and computer. Of course technology is a great source of danger, but with regulation, they allow kids to "get together" and "do their own thing" without leaving the (relative) safety of home.
This is all irrelevant to the Amish girls, since they were supposed to be in a safe school with adult protection, but there is nothing we can do that will 100% guard against those situations. I do think campaigning for more effective mental health care and gun control are helpful, though.
Hi G!
I love to see your love for your family and the way you celebrate together. Wonderful. I had some Jewish friends down in Miami so I'm vaguely familiar with the holidays but I'm greatful for your link.
Somehow I see a connection during this time when the Hallel is recited and the way those Amish folks somehow have found forgiveness for the killer. How do you forgive THAT without the Lord being your strength?
The Amish tragedy is something that has also made me very sad and I can't imagine those gentle people going through this, knowing they weren't going to see their kids anymore. When I heard about this I thought, "well if you can't be safe in a one room school house in an Amish community, where CAN you be safe?"
They are indeed special people who understand how (and why) to forgive, but my thoughts are with them.
Happy holidays.
The Amish Tragedy is so very sad. And their ideas are noble about forgiving and moving on. But they say they aren't even going to change the way they live. It may be all right since they have the state and federal governments of the U.S. to protect them, but what if the State of Isreal lived that way. If when Hamas or others would attack them they would just say "We forgive" and not modernize or try to defend themselves? They wouldn't exist now. The Amish at least need a telephone in that school because if they had one, the teacher could have called for help much sooner and the whole incident could have been aborted before any of the kids were killed. Weirsdo is right in that even though computers might be good for them children still need adult supervision and protection. And a means for seeking help when it is needed.
Great comment Doug! The man of many words is a man of few words. Just teasing. Happy holidays!
I was wondering what a sukkah was when I read your mention of it at Doug's. Nifty!
And yes my heart is aching for the folks in Lancaster, but I admire their forgiveness and resolve so greatly.
Haha, Lammy.
Weirsdo: So far the balancing act hasn't been too tough...yet. But I think you are right in giving them a wide berth while keeping them close.
Yes the Amish incident was different, although I believe the "adult" teacher was seventeen and barely out of childhood herself. And I do agree that both of these issues need to have a much more importnat place in our society. Having said that - what prevented this individual from obtaining proper mental health treatment? Short of banning guns, many own them legally, although I am all for a tighter control on that.
Pavel: I like sharing our traditions and I'm glad that you enjoyed the link. It is very sad about the Amish incident, but the sad truth is they seem very vulnerable to me alone in a schoolhouse. What a world huh?
Doug ~ Thanks.
Tom&Icy: Very true on all points that you made. Israel wouldn't exist which is what many want and that's a topic for another day. I was listening to a radio show in which a teacher spoke and said even an alarm - a loud bullhorn to be sounded - something. Who knows if and to what extent this tragedy could have been prevented? But surely something to help protect the innocent ones is needed.
lammy - how about that? Thanks for stopping in - in the midst of your job search and all.
Sar: Come on over and we'll show you ours. It's a fun time of year.
Yes their way of life is quite inspiring in many ways.
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