This may seem like no big deal to you, but one of life's little pleasures for me is when the weather hits warm enough a few days in April and then for the duration in May for me to go without socks. It's summer, it's carefree. Dress is casual for work. Life the way it almost should be. Then the calendar turns to September and I grudgingly spiff up the wardrobe a notch but I don't wear socks yet. Oh no. Has to be pretty cold for that - like today. So I have broken out a pair of socks. I must admit that I feel cozy and warmer, but slightly restrained and less carefree.
Wait a minute, what were we talking about again?
Why Dewy! Figures it would be something vaguely fashion related to get you to comment! Nice poem and so true.
Always a bright side ay? Although I still like my winter pedicures.
I have had my socks on since the 1st of September. I like the time of year where I can go barefoot - spend many a days at the lake house and never have much laundry to do because all we do is swim. But... then comes winter and we can bundle up like eskimo's and spend lazy afternoons snowmobiling through the state parks. Its an alright trade...
...said the Eskimo girl.
I wear socks all year round. I have fluffy pink ones I take to bed, although during teh night I seem to always get rid of them.
I love my feet (the appropriate amount!), but I am a cold hands/cold feet kinda girl. But I do have a warm heart, the proverb says so!
I'm wearing a nice warm pair of socks, g, so I'm with you. I'd rather not wear them, but I'd also rather have warm toes.
I hear ya!!! I LOVE being barefoot and as close to naked as possible ('tis the Danish nudist blood I tell you!) and it is always an adjustment when the socks come back on! Funny thing, I was actually telling Loverboy all about it! Yeah, the poor man had to listen to my sock rant now... that's how you know a man is a keeper! ;-P
But hey, I'd best get used to it as we barely have any sock-free days back home in SF!
believe it or not, i've worn flip flops in Manhattan in December (i'm sure you can imagine the looks i got). alas, i much was younger then (i think it was last year). today i, too, am tiptoeing through the house in a thick pair of cotton socks -- i can't wear wool, and i won't -- and my feet are all the happier for it!
oh, but just wait until your kids hit that "it's not cool to wear a sweater, let alone coat" phase in their lives. you may not be there yet, but trust me, it's coming. (hope Tali looks good in blue) xox
I usually go 'barefoot' year round. Feet are usually blue and very cold. It's an Oklahoma thing.
Minka: So it says - a warm girl with warm fluffy pink feet!
Pavel: I believe there is an old Proverb "No sock, cold feet". Very wise indeed. I wonder why the Dalai Bobo hasn't covered that one yet?
MizB: It is an adjustment - sock shock! That true about SF, but so many pluses, I'm sure you don't mind. Ha! By the way, now it's I can perfectly picture your exchanges with Loverboy. Love it.
Neva: Who are you kidding? You get younger each year. I am with you on the wool. I've made the mistake once or twice and they always end up in the giveaway bag where some poor person is probably right now cursing my largess (not to be confused with large ass).
You know I always see these kids outside and shiver me timbers looking at them without coats! How is that cool? Cold yes! Say it won't happen to my babies!!!
Swampy: They make em tough where you come from! Under your boots even?
Brian: We just crossed paths. 40 degrees!! See what happens when you brag about 70 degree temps? Don't worry, I'm sure the mercury will be kinder to you soon.
Get out the socks I say!
I love goofy socks. If I have to wear socks, I'll wear my Invader Zim ankle socks, thenkyew.
Here on the Westside in autumn we be rockin the Birkenstocks and woolywooly socks thang. represent.
I love being barefoot! I hate shoes and socks. :( They are a must at times. I agree that early spring gets me all giddy and my feet are just begging to be freed. sigh D :}
you're kind of a rebel g
geez, just using that word popped Billy Idol into my head.
fn: Bet nobody rocks the socks and birks quite like you.
ff: Nothing like those first warm days of Spring - how happy my toes are!
Trish the Dish is in da House! (don't let Benjamin see us using urban slang). You can wear whatever you like - it's all in the tude. Give Joe a pinch for me!
Love ya miss ya mean it xox ~ G
Kyahgirl!: Depends on what you mean by rebel :)
I promise not to say "more more more"!
I like being barefoot, but also like being able to wear jeans without my legs sticking to them.
Weirsdo: You make a good point. Although I cannot wear jeans with tights or "pantyhose" underneath. Socks are fine though.
Of course not. Avoid at all costs. Legs only stick in warm, humid Alabama spring/summer/early fall, or NYC subways in July and August.
Gotcha, but nonethelss I abide by my no socks until October rule.
I have been accused of being evil, but I only pretend to be. The proof is in the fact that I would never let anyone see my ghastly feet uncovered!
Why those cute little bat's feet? Nonsense!
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