We are preparing for tonight's start of the holiday of Yom Kippur. I have attached a link with explanations of the Holiday here.I'm a little preoccupied getting last minutes Holiday details in order so I will wish all of my Jewish friends and family an easy fast and gamar chatimah tovah; and to all my non-Jewish friends and family peace and love and a good weekend.
My wish for you and your family, dearest friend, is for this New Year to be filled with Peace, Love, and abundant Joy. xoxo
I second Neva, although it sounds liek the easy way out :)
I hope you have a wonderful start into the new year, an amazing time throughout it and many thanks at the end of it!
Peace, Love, Friendship, and much happiness to you this new year!
I wish for you an overflowing of happiness, joy beyond your dreams, friendship that is dear and lasting and peace that fills your home, your heart, your life and your world. My love to you!
Peace and prosperity in the New Year for you and your family :)
Only the best to you and your family.
May the New Year bring Joy, Peace and Love to your home and family, enough to last a lifetime. D :}
have a very peaceful and fulfilling holiday. i am thinking of you now.
Thank you all, we have just broken the fast. Not too bad of a headache this year, I cut down on the caffeine for two days to avoid the sick headaches during the fast.
All the best to you and your families whether you celebrate this as a new year or not.
been thinking about you all day, girlfriend, in hopes your fast was an easy one. (smart to cut back on that caffeine...)
Happy New Year... hope this is the start of your most wonderful, satisfying, and rewarding one, yet!
loveyamissedyouawholelotMEANIT! xox
Neva: Thank you so much - as fasts go it was slow, but not as painful as my memory dictates.
Now that is a wish I will take to heart my dear NBFF.
By the way, I am having a problem with emails from my office to your address. I haven't tried from my home...let's see.
Hope that you have a sweet and happy new year
Always think we're lucky that we get two new years--though this is the one that really counts to me
Might also have to do with the time of year. Fall seems a better choice than winter
And did I tell you how much I loved the pancake house that you sent me too?
Actonbell: Thanks, it's been really nice so far.
pia: a sweet and happy new year to you too. Yeah two new years is nice, although this does feel like the "real" one. It is something about fall, school, september, starting anew. All the best to you in this one.
I believe that you did but I am so happy as we love it. Now you'll have it whenever you go back. They have not disappointed us thusfar.
I wish I knew more about the Jewish religion. I plan to come back to this post and read more of your link. Religions are like a fruit salad. In order to appreciate them all you have to eat all the fruit, not just the apples. Peace, Love, Friendship, and Happiness is understood in any religion...my wish for you.
Yes Swampwitch, those are universal tenets of all religions. My wishes for you too. I like the fruit salad analogy by the way :)
Best wishes for the new year.
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