Just a quick little post. I need to get more sleep because many mornings I feel like above picture. I'll let you in on a little secret. In my family of origin, I have been known to be called "The Slug". Let's just say that I enjoyed relaxing. I recall my sister saying to me once, "You ought to write a book about wasting time". Well I thought that was a little unfair - so I knew how to amuse myself with little effort. So R, at your behest - now I just blog about it.
Thing is - ah yes, my kids are like me. The three of us in the morning are all like this little fellow up above. Tali gets up and even makes the effort to run through the kitchen and back into her bed. Julian burrows back under the blankets as he narrates the story "Leave him alone - he wants to sleep!" Me? I'm usually the one who Julian has come to burrow in deep next to. I can't get up yet, he's holding onto my hair. Which leaves one other person - the early riser, Mr. Scissors. The one attempting to roust this motley crew. Day after day we torture this man. Neither child has taken after him when it comes to this quality of being an early riser.
Look on the bright side Scissors, you have the choice of 2 1/2 baths until the rest of the crew awakens. We love you, just not so much in the morning. I promise things are looking up - I have that new alarm clock coming. You know the rubber mallet!
I better get to bed - 6:00 a.m. comes rather quickly, as does 6:15, 6:30...
hah! this is SO how it is in our house! especially with our youngest son (who is now in California, and from what his father tells me, continues to resist the urge to get up in time for work. oy.)
lovelovelove the cartoon, too. what can i say? one of the pleasures of taking this extended "time out" from work (for the past few years) is that i can and *do* stay in bed until Joel pops in to kiss me goodbye. pathetic, sure... but now that i've read this, i just know you understand! (glad you're feeling better, NBFF. i was worried about you) xox
That's how my dogs are. In the morning I have to shake them to wake them up and make sure they are not dead.
I am same, G. Tom wakes up before me and it was completely opposite when we met. I use that to justify my rising after him...what goes around comes around. It's my turn. Our house is utter chaos in the mornings, and I'm fortunate enough to have a man who makes me some coffee and then pats my hiney to get me up...and I'm grateful for that...but the second I walk out that bedroom door all hell breaks loose! Whew. Hope you rest well, and get up in two hits of the snooze instead of three. XOXOXO
LOL, not me. I'm an early riser like your Mr. Scissors. So is my hubby, I'm just earlier...I wake up at 4am during the week. Sick huh?
lol!!! I'm an early riser like scissors. It's like your house is an exact replica of mine (except that I don't cut hair for a living, of course.)
I was an early riser but after years of marriage and children we all have gotten used to sleeping in. Glad your feeling a bit better and I loved the little picture. I feel that way somedays too!
When I was in high school, I got up at four. When I was in college, I got up at four ( in the afternoon). When I had my baby, I got up whenever she wanted me to. Now, I get up at sixish and have to jump on the bed to get my daughter up before seven a.m. Crazy.
Ay! Damn blogger that ate my comment and then damn my flakey mind that forgot to return and comment though my heart was in it and then I thought I actually returned but see I didn't and now cannot for the life of me remember what I said to begin with soooo...
I hope all the holidays and the fabulous celebrations went well and without a hitch! Happy New Year through and through!
The apple picking sounds delightful though the best part of the post? I got to see you!!!! Pretty lady FO SHO!!!! I WANNA SEE MORE!
As for the boobies, I should be better about checking them... thing is, when you live with a doctor man, they get checked, and I mean medically, even in foreplay! Ay! But yay for me 'cause I am downright lazy!
I think that depression is so accepted and normal nowadays that there is really no stigma attached to it, especially if you are lucky enough to be surrounded by educated individuals... I have definitely been there and done and that and probably will be there again... and again... and again... I see the bouts as tests and hopefully I will get stronger with each episode... and hey, you know where to find me if ever I can be of any help!
Tali seriously sounds like a friend tailor made for Lil' BoheMia! She has been asking us for a violin for years and we got her one for her birthday... come November she is in for a surprise and hopefully I can find her a good teacher once we make it back home... if we ever do!
What do I believe in? Hope... corny I know... add love to the list too... don't puke but yeah, they got me through my darkest days when I didn't believe in anything...
As for getting up, I do loooove me the sleepy moments but yeah, 4:30 am is my wake up call so I'd best shut up on this one, huh? ;-P
I'm the early riser in the house but I do not fill the role with any sense of glee. My daily motivation is...the longer I stay in bed the worse the traffic will be on the commute. Nothing like a negative motivation to start the day, eh?
Are you sure you and NBFF aren't related?
Hey LWTLSOHH: I love acronyms!
Especially when I visualize readers sitting trying to figure out what the heck it is...
Does the rubber mallet alarm clock have a snooze button?
I'll be out in the kitchen having coffee with Mr. Scissors G. But we'll be quiet. I may be a morning person but don't expect me to talk!
Neva: Eesh - should I have Scissors give him a wake-up call?
Oh I understand allright, now move over and stop hogging the comforter. Heehee. Thank you my dear NBFF, feeling finer than fine. xox
Tom&Icy: Ha! I can just see the little pooches trying not to let you know they might be wakeable.
cindra: see that's where I have nothing to justify except to say "I've always been like this, I can't help it". Our house is getting a bit let chaotic, but it's chaos nonetheless. That Tom of yours is a good guy.
Actually this morning we ALL overslept and were running around like getting Tali ready like something out of a Wallace&Grommit episode. All's well that ends well though. :)
dabich: Completely SICK! But then again I have secret aspirations of becoming a morning person. Maybe you could coach me.
Pavel: And he can't fix our computers (damn). I had a feeling you might relate. So do you give a drum roll to start the troops?
cj: Good for you for sleeping in. The kids time will come soon enough to have to get up early. I say delay it as long as you can!
Pinky: Love the time progression. It all comes full circle. I think my daughter may be taking the crown in our house of late.
MizB!: I'm so happy to see you around. Now that I have seen your not lame but excellent video, I can hear your words from the page! Really, no worries here as long as you weren't packed - that's my only concern! Thanks it was a nice lowkey Holiday season and we all really enjoyed. And nary one fight or stress with Scissors' family. That's rare.
Ooh blushity blush! That's me in the shadows. Speaking of shadows, I am coming out of the one that was covering my path for a bit. I'm feeling better but realize this is a part of who I am. Thank you, I know that you are always more than giving in reaching out.
Oh yes, Tali and LilBohemia would have a great time together! That's so nice about the violin. Good luck and I can't wait to hear more about that.
Hope and love. Where there is not hope, what do we have and without love...
Okay I've loved your visit and catching up but now you're showing off - 4:30 a.m. (I was waiting for that)! Don't you have a nap to take somehwhere? xox to you, great to see you back in action~ G
Joel: I know Joel, what can you do? I am not. We are awaiting the results of some DNA (do not awaken) tests!
Have a great day everyone!
Swampwitch: Just missed you! Does my rubber mallet alarm have a snooze? Why soitenly!!! xoc LWTLSOHHWIL
Kyah: By all means, no meaningful exchanges before coffee and even then ~ would you like a latte? That'll buy us some more sleep time :)
I think those who know me best would say if I slept until 6 and was nice the rest of the day it would be a major upgrade.
why is is that even though I dont work and my kid is out of the house and my husband is quiet in the morning I STILL GET UP WITH THE DAMN BIRDS??? not fair.
you, my dear, need to be convalescing still. go make some nice tea with honey and turn on Montel.
Doug: Or maybe don't bother getting up? Oh - the roast is over!? I did not get that memo! You do get up rather early.
FN: Minor detail - no TV int he damn office! But thanks for the sentiment just the same. See, I'd like to be like that - really.
Brian: Everybody's a comedian. Another one! What time do you all go to bed - 8:00? Well at least you rest up on the weekend - I mean you need to, that's a lot of writing that you do!
Jenna: Indeed! A girl after my own heart. That is a good quality - nappies are the best. Hope you had a great vacation by the way!
Hey it's 2:19 EST - that's a good naptime!
Oh, I'm just like that, too. My husband jumps out of bed, full of energy, and gets more done before I get up than I do all day. That makes me feel like a bowl of mashed potatoes, let me tell you. I can relate.
I desperately need naps I don't get actually! My family knows to not let me lie down, not even for the floor, not even for a second or I will pass out! I kid you not! I am the only freak I know who once fell asleep during a root canal! Oy!
I go to bed far too late and sleep badly, and I hate getting up in the mornings... why can't work start at midday once the streets have aired.
My favourite days are when my daughter goes to work early and I'm having a day off... then I snuggle back under the covers and dream dream dream, until the bloody phone rings... grrrrrrr... usually one of my kids... mu-um... huh!
I have been known to fall asleep at my desk and my boss creeps up on me and claps his hands by my ear... oh boy do I jump.
lotsa luv ann xxxxx
Actonbell: Yeah, pass the gravy - tell me about it. By the way speaking of achievements, you rocked the house yesterday.
Brian: Do you have a story and warm milk? Haha. That's pretty disciplined. I can't write at work. Can't get in the mode, so I have a bad habit of nightime blogging. Anyway, Julian's calling "G"! Nighty-night
I'll b2w1qa be back!
MizB: During a root canal? You must have been doped up? Or no? Now that would be something! You're a cat from another life. I think I am too - cats love a good nap in the sunlight.
Ann: I'm with you. Start noon-ish and end 4-ish. Well I'm sure that could be arranged with 1/2 salary!
Okay, everyone - bed early tonight! That's it. Oh yeah and in the interest of not missing this bandwagon:
LET'S GO METS!!!!! (That's the baseball team from my neighborhood, Queens, NY for the out of towners).
Being a former morning bum who somehow became one of those damned annoying erly risers, I can't help but laugh. I once had some random college student knock on my door because she heard loud music; she was on her way home from a party at 4:45 and I was eating breakfast. An ex of mine used to intentionally unplug my alarm clock, actually, because who really wants to hear some guy singing Hank Williams first thing in the morning?
Oh my god...I just realized I've become my father....dagnabbit.
I have no problems rising whenever my mobile phone tells me to :)
having said that, if I can sleep until 10 in the morning (considering I have many evening and night shifts!) I feel extra fine.
I love to stay up as long as I want, read a good book, when the world around me is quiet and asleep. Then I like to hear the noise Mom and Dad make when they get ready in teh morning to go to work, and I smilingly snuggle in my bed sheet and thank the *insert deity here* for not having to get up. It is the best!
Zenfo: Very sneaky that stuff - I hear myself saying things that my mother said and I just go and splash cold water on my face...I imagine you librarians need to be up and at em. I aspire and can take some small comfort in the fact that perhaps I am closer to eating breakfast at 4:45 am than just coming in. Thanks for the perspective.
She's baaaack! Hello Minka. I like that sensation too - being up with nobody around. You little devil snuggling in while they have to get up and go! Actually I'm jealous.
with it lit?
cracking up because I don't remember - I'm like that. Maybe while I'm laughing?
I am a pretty early riser, for the most part, but earlier in life this was because my mother made me get up at six to practice my scales and arpeggios before catching the bus. Now it's because of the cat.
Now that you mention, it wouldn't hurt Tali...
My goal is to make better use of the earlier part of the day. That's not happening hiding under the blankets.
Oh no. Now she'll hate me.
That's the chance we'll have to take in the name of music Weirsdo.
I enjoy resembling a slug. But I always get angry at myself for not getting any real work done.
Me too Cheesemeister - a double edged sword really.
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